




The Rules for the Use of Public Kitchen of NCST


All public kitchen users have to abide by the following rules to ensure a clean, tidy and well-organized environment for cooking and dinning.

  1. 爱护厨房配备的水电设施、料理台等设施设备,并要合理使用,不得擅自拆卸、改装、损坏或占为己有;

The facilities and equipment of the kitchen should not be dismantled, modified, damaged or occupied without authorization.

  1. 使用厨房排水设施时请注意不要造成堵塞;

When using the drainage facilities in the kitchen, please do not cause the blockage.

  1. 厨房设施出现故障时,请及时报告膳食办,以免影响使用;

When having a problem with the kitchen facilities, please report to kitchen office so as not to affect the use of the kitchen facilities.

  1. 要节约用水、用电,杜绝长明灯、长流水。

Saving water and electricity, avoid the long-using light and water.

  1. 每次厨房使用完毕后,使用者都要将厨房打扫干净,恢复到使用前的样子。

After using the kitchen, the user should clean the kitchen quickly and restore to the appearance as the previous situation.

  1. 厨房垃圾不得随意丢弃,垃圾必须主动扔进厨房外食堂的垃圾桶内;

The kitchen garbage must not be discarded anywhere, butbe thrown into the garbage bin in the kitchen canteen.

  1. 不得将剩饭剩菜直接倒入水池;

The leftovers must not be directly poured into the sink.

  1. 使用完毕后,使用者必须切断电源或者燃气、关闭水阀。

After the use, the user must cut off the power or gas and turn off the water valve.

  1. 保管好自己的物品,使用完后需摆放到指定地方,严禁乱摆放,不得影响他人使用厨房。

Keep your own staffs, and put them back to the designated place, strictly prohibiting the mess, not affecting the other people in the kitchen.

  1. 严禁在食堂等公共区域内吸烟。

It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the public areas such as in the kitchen.


If the above regulations are violated, the violator will be punished in following two ways

  1. If the users are found smoking here, it it forbidden for them to use the public kitchenagain.

  2. If the users do not clean the kitchen as the above requirements, they are demanded to clean the kitchen in designated period and will not be allowed to use the kitchen for one week.


Kitchen Office Tel: 13275298386 (Teacher Chen)


Department of Logistics and Security & International Education School


25th Dec. 2017


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